Building Faith & Minds for the Future
Est. 1914
Dear Parents and Students,
St. Mary School values reading, and because we value reading, I, the fifth-grade ELA teacher require the fifth-grade students to read independent texts that they choose. I will monitor student reading progress, make recommendations about new things students might like to try, and allow students to interact and to develop reading skills through independent reading.
Independent Reading has five purposes:
To engage and motivate students to learn things they care about
to promote students’ love of reading
to build students’ vocabulary
to build students’ knowledge about the world (through both fiction and informational text)
to build students’ reading “stamina”: their ability to read harder texts for longer periods of time
I encourage students to choose texts and topics that interest them. Students should choose books that are at a comfortable or challenging reading level. The books available for reading in the school often come from national lists and recommendations from librarians and teachers. Some books also relate directly to the content students are studying together in class.
As the classroom teacher, I leave the decision of choosing what is appropriate to you and your child. I encourage you to be aware of what your child chooses to read. Some parents or guardians may choose to read a text before they let their child read it. This can help you monitor what your child is reading, and it can be a great opportunity for discussion! You may also contact librarians for summaries and reviews or search online to learn more about a book your child is interested in. Students will share their book in the format of a book talk to the class. All directions of what is expected are on the following pages. Be sure you know your child’s reading goals so you can support him/her in staying on track, celebrating successes, and problem-solving as needed (including knowing when to abandon a book and choose one that is a better fit). Young Adult Literature Resources and Scholastic websites have great links to book lists.
I hope independent reading will be enjoyable for your child and lead to a lifetime of reading.
Sincerely,Mrs. Pirraglia
Genre Requirements
***All books are to be completed by the due date. Upon completion, you will be asked to present the book to the teacher and class. All reports must include the Title of the book and the author. All reports are to be typewritten in 14 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and submitted to the Grade 5 Google Classroom for ELA.
Book #1: Biography
Due Date:
– October 17, 2024
A biography of a saint or religious figure.
The student will write a summary of the life and times of a religious person. The summary should include the accomplishments of the faithful figure and what you admire the most about this person. Give a specific reason why you admire this person. All summaries must be typewritten and include a cover with a favorite picture depicting the person.
Due Date:
-November 21, 2024
Book 2 is to be a book with a movie version
**** Parents must approve of both the book and the movie, based on ratings and/or content.
For this assignment, you will have to read a book and view the movie. You must select a book and movie you have not previously read/viewed.
Students must write a comparison essay. The essay should include similarities and differences using transition words. Specific details on characters, events, plot, climax, and theme must be addressed. An opinion of the book versus the movie must be given. The essay must be typewritten and include a picture of one of the events from the book and movie as the cover.
Due Date:
– January 9, 2025(First of paired book report-non-Fiction)
This nonfiction book will be the first of two paired books (fiction/nonfiction) to be read. Pick a fiction AND non-fiction book that is both on the SAME topic. Try to make the subject “match” as closely as you can. Students must write a report detailing what they learned, using at least five facts, graphs or diagrams, plus your opinion of the subject and book. The report must be typewritten with a cover that depicts the subject matter.
Book #4: FictionDue Date:
February 11, 2025(Second of paired book report-fiction)
This book is the second book in the paired book group.
Imagine that you are a reporter for your local newspaper. The editor has just called to give you your latest assignment. You have been asked to interview a special visitor to your town—the book's main character you just read. Write a paragraph describing the main character of the story. Include the character’s age, hometown, occupation, hobbies, personality traits, etc.
Think about what you would like to ask the character and what the newspaper’s readers would want to learn about him or her. Write at least five questions revealing interesting and important information about the character. If the question requires a yes or no answer, ask the character to explain his or her responses. Base some of the questions on events in the book, such as: “How did you feel when…?” “What did you hope would happen when…?” “Why did you…? Ask questions about the subject matter that you learned about in the nonfiction book. You must answer all the questions as if you were the character questioned. The questions and answers must be typewritten as a newspaper interview.
For examples:
You are the reporter: JP
Character: Auggie Pullman AP
Book #5:Biography- Famous Women in History or Present Day that have positively impacted our country or world.Due Date:
March 13, 2025
Students will research a famous woman. Students will chronologically type information and accompany a picture with the information creating a timeline. You may design the timeline any way you like. Be creative!
Book #6: Poetry
Due Date:
April 15, 2025
April is set aside for poetry. The purpose of this assignment is to gain an appreciation for this genre. You will select a book that has poems from various poets or just one. While reading, find a poem that you can relate to or just like the lyrical flow. You will memorize the poem and recite it for the class. The poem can be longer than the number of lines you are to recite. (10 lines ) Follow the outline below for your report.
Title of Poem (in quotes)1. Source(Book, magazine, website)
2. Author
3. About the Author (birth/death, when the poem was written, one interesting biographical fact)
4. Summary
When and where is the poem set?
What is happening or what scene is described in the poem— beginning, middle, end?
Who is the narrator? This is the literal content, “right there”, not interpretation or meaning.
5. Sensory Imagery—Taste, Smell, Touch, Sight, Sound
Read the poem out loud to yourself. Select TWO examples (phrases or lines) of descriptive, poetic word choice. For example, they may use figurative language (such as a simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, etc.); be a vivid, unique phrase or image; or be an example of rhythm or a rhyme pattern. Copy them below, using quotation marks.
What do you visualize, feel, smell, taste, or hear?
If figurative language is used, identify the poetic device.
6. Shape, Form, Rhyme Scheme Identify features such as stanzas, end pattern, structure, refrain, type (such as sonnet or haiku), or unusual conventions.
What effect do they have?
Would you recommend it to your classmates?