Building Faith & Minds for the Future
Est. 1914
Students will be given short classwork and homework assignments either from the Voyages in Grammar workbook , the Vocabulary Workshop workbook, or vocabulary in the context of the whole-class novel we are reading together almost daily.
Grammar and Vocabulary tests will be every two to three weeks. Additionally, students will be required to apply specified vocabulary and specified grammar skills to their writing assignments. Students will be notified, via Google Classroom and this webpage, one week in advance when a test is coming and on what unit or lessons it will be on.
A terrific companion to Vocabulary Workshop can be found at Students do not need to log in on the site. Instead, they should scroll down and click on the purple "Lets Go" button in the "Student and Family Resources" box:
Next, they will see pictures of workbooks and they should select their Vocabulary Workshop book from the list--be careful there are several different versions, ours is plain Vocabulary Workshop
Level A is 6th grade, Level B is 7th grade, and Level C is 8th grade.