Building Faith & Minds for the Future
Est. 1914
General Music
Students in grades N - 8 receive at least one general music class per cycle. The curriculum is designed to involve all students in age-appropriate musical experiences that ultimately lead to clearly defined skills and knowledge. In addition to learning music through singing, movement, playing instruments, games, composition, improvisation, and activities with literature/math integration, students have hands-on opportunities to incorporate technology in their musical endeavors. Students from grades K through 8 work with an array of apps for iPads to assist in understanding note reading, ear training, arranging, and composition. Students in grades 6th through 8th also learn basic piano skills as well as more sophisticated arrangement and composition techniques using Garage Band and Akai 49 Synthstations, among other MIDI controller devices.
Saint Mary School Chorus is open to any student in grades 3rd through 8th who is interested in singing. The SMS Chorus participates in every school mass, the Christmas and Spring Concerts, and a variety of other functions for the school and community. Students in the choir learn proper breathing techniques, pleasant vocal production, blend and balance, good intonation, ear training, and performance experience. Please see Mr. Mansfield for a permission form to join.
Bell Choir
The Saint Mary School Bell Choir is open to any student in grades 3rd through 8th who is interested in playing handbells. Students in the bell choir will learn proper playing techniques, note reading, blend and balance, and ear training. Participants will also gain performance experience and come to know the importance of teamwork. The SMS Bell Choir is featured at the Christmas and Spring Concerts. Members of the bell choir also participate in school masses and other functions for the school and community. Please see Mr. Mansfield for a permission form to join.